• 12 December 2023

    5 New Year Career Resolutions to enhance your productivity and skyrocket your career

    The new year is almost there and what better way to tackle it than by setting new career goals? New goals that will help you enhance your productivity and skyrocket your career!

    If you are hesitant about setting new career goals and are unsure of how successful this approach is, you should know that 46% of the people who set New Year’s resolutions are successful at keeping up with them after six months, compared to only 4% success rate of people who have similar goals but no resolutions.

    So, whether you're an entrepreneur, a business owner, a freelancer, or an employee desperate for a career switch, here are five New Year career resolutions that can help boost your productivity:

    Set clear career goals, then create a detailed plan on how to achieve them:
    Experts agree that if you want to achieve your goals you need to set realistic ones with concrete action steps. Not only do your goals need to be realistic, but the timeframe you set for each goal should also be realistic. In a world full of distractions and never-ending to-do lists, it is very easy to lose sight of your long-term career aspirations. Therefore, clearly writing down your goals and action steps will help you keep track of your progress. It will also help understand how you are evolving and if there is anything that needs to be changed or simply removed. Your new year's resolutions should be aligned with your life values and could be anything that will bring you fulfillment; from earning a promotion at work to starting a side business. Whatever your goals may be, it's important to break them down into smaller ones that are more manageable and easier to track. Having clear New Year career resolutions and a detailed plan in place will help you stay focused and motivated, and will also increase your chances of success.

    Study your SWOTs:
    This is one piece of advice I always give to all of my clients when we are starting our career coaching relationship, regardless of where they are on their professional and personal journeys. If you want to be successful and improve your productivity levels, I firmly believe that you should start by studying your strengths and your weaknesses, but also the opportunities that will allow you to grow and the threats you should be aware of and move away from. These threats can be any kind of distractions that side-track you and keep you from achieving your goals. When you understand what your strengths are, you can better use them to further advance your career goals. When you become aware of your weaknesses, you can start by improving them and working on the ones that are holding you back. And when you identify the opportunities that present themselves to you, you are then able to develop adequate strategies that will keep you moving forward.

    Invest in a time management app or a book:
    Today, there are a lot of books and a ton of advice on the internet that can help you better manage your time and improve your productivity. Study the different time-management techniques and approaches that are available, and then try out the ones that interest you so you can better discover which one suit you better. Keep in mind that what might work for others might not work for you and vice-versa. You might be for example interested in the Pareto technique (the 80/20 rule), which states that 20% of our actions are responsible for 80% of our outcomes. Therefore, prioritizing and scoring the tasks you need to tackle will help you better identify your priorities and focus your attention on what matters to you the most. 
    You might also be adept at the time-blocking method that revolves around assigning and blocking a specific amount of time for each task you have to do throughout the day while keeping buffer times in between for unpredictable events. 
    In my career as an Executive coach, I have noticed that each type of person is drawn to a different technique to keep them productive and motivated. The key here is finding the one that suits you best.

    Organize yourself, and schedule regular breaks: 
    Once you are clear on your objectives, you have developed an appropriate action plan, you have identified the areas you need to improve in your life, as well as determined the time-management method that works best for you, it is important to organize yourself and your desk space. Clear out all the clutter; it will help you keep a clear head and minimize distractions. Then create a daily action plan that will allow you to tackle your to-do lists, but that will also allow you to have regular breaks to enjoy your time and your life, to prevent burnout. 

    Invest in your Professional and Personal Development: 
    One of the best ways to improve your career prospects and increase your value as an employee or business owner is to continually invest in your professional and personal development. 
    This might mean taking a course or earning a certification in your field, attending industry conferences or workshops, or staying up to date with the latest trends and best practices in your industry. 
    It could also mean working with an executive and career coach that will help you identify your problems and then set up weekly career coaching sessions to guide you through your professional journey, a journey that can sometimes be lonely and unpredictable. An executive and career coach will act as the support you need to succeed and achieve all of the goals you have set for yourself. 
    By investing in your professional and personal development, you will be better equipped to take on new challenges and make the best of the new opportunities that arise. You will also have someone on your side who is equipped to help you navigate the unknown, boost your productivity, and help you fully reach your potential.

    In conclusion, these five career resolutions are some of the tips that can help you enhance your career and boost your productivity. 

    I also found it helpful to outsource tasks that are time-consuming and concentrate on the ones that bring real value. 

    Whether you're an entrepreneur, a mompreneur, or in need of career coaching sessions, investing in your professional and personal development, setting clear goals, and eliminating all sources of distraction by turning off notifications on your phone and computer are all key steps to success. 

    By making these New Year career resolutions a priority and following through on them, you'll be well on your way to having a successful year ahead!

    Are you having trouble keeping up with your new year's career resolutions? Do you want to work with a professional executive and career coach who will help you reach your full business potential? Then, book your Free Career Boost Session here